November 14, 2022

VA - Bloodstains Across Australia LP (1998)


  1. Man, i am spoiled! Once again, thank you so much. I already know your rip will be so much better than the one i had for years. This particular compilation is really solid with no bad tracks at all. I still have my favorites though. I'd go for the Z-Cars and Quick and The Dead as my favorites. The Z-Cars one because i like the smoothness of the whole song and the fuzzy guitar sound that reminds me of some 60's garage. The Quick and The Dead one because of the killer raw guitar sound and the marvellous riff. This era of punk rock is incredible to my ears. You already gave me so much already that i feel ashamed to ask anything more, but if you have more KBD style compilations that are not ripped yet, i certainly would like to hear them. But it's not request, just a suggestion. I am very grateful for everything you do and did. All the best to you, Mike

    1. Again, my pleasure! I love doing this shit. Hard to pick a fave on this one myself. Thought Criminals, Wrong Kind Of Stone Age, Vacant Lot are some of them. Finland is up next! I've got more KBD and Bloodstains I'll get to at some point, cheers brother!
