October 26, 2022

GOLPE JUSTO - S/T EP (1991) **RE-UP**

 Raging HC from Puerto Rico. Vocals remind me of Ratos De Porao. These guys are still given'er too! Check 'em out on Facebook.

UPDATE 10.26.2022 Originally posted this in 2020 but I've just re-upped it because I recently noticed my original rip had a skip that merged the last two tracks so seamlessly I thought there was no break between them. Sorry my bad, all fixed now! 

October 25, 2022

GEPØPEL - Complete 1982-1985 LP (2008)


(Almost) complete discography of this early 80's Dutch HC outfit compiling their 'Paracide' 7", split tape with Funeral Oration, as well as various comp, demo and live tracks. For fans of Pandemonium, Larm and just fast shit in general.

October 22, 2022

VA - No Pigs / Neuroot / Stanx LP (2001)

Unofficial 3-way split of mid-80's Dutch hardcore. Whoever put this together could've done a better job with the layout, but hey it's a bootleg. Whaddya gonna do?

October 18, 2022

VA - Bloodstains Across Northern Ireland LP (1998)

 This was a recent blind purchase or as I like to call it, a deaf purchase as I'd never heard any of the bands on this comp before buying it. But hey it's a Bloodstains record, they're always chock full of obscure gems. This'll be right up your alley if you like your punk rock a little more on the glam rock/power pop side.

October 14, 2022

TERVEYSKESKUS - Pimeys EP (1991)

I never would have given this 7" a second look if I didn't have their 1987 debut Mailmaanloppu EP. Kinda sounds like a cross between KOHU-63 and (mid period) TERVEET KADET. Ripped from the 1994 yellow cover repress.

October 10, 2022

STARK RAVING - Sniveling And Whining MLP (1987)

 Saw this record at a local shop last weekend thinking it was STARK RAVING MAD at first glance. I gave'r a quick listen and dug it enough to buy it since the price was right. Don't really know anything about this band except that I think they were from Connecticut and this 12" was their only release.

October 6, 2022

PURE HATE - We've Got The Right To Remain Silent, But....... EP (1986)

Fast & angry HC from the streets of Haarlem. Netherlands, that is. Ripped from the bootleg reissue of the 1985 live comp, "Babylon: Bleibt Fahren" that included this EP as a bonus for some reason.

October 3, 2022



Halloween's around the corner (already?!), so here's some Misfits-inspired punk from Boston featuring members of The Freeze and Straw Dogs. This was supposed to come out on Pusheads's Pusmort Records in 1987 but never made it past the test pressing stage. 'Necrodoll' appeared on the Pusmort Sampler bonus flexi.